Registration time again for the 2012 Wolfman Triathlon!
Join them for their 18th year for this very exciting off road triathlon in the beautiful Wolf River area of Northeast Wisconsin. This race consists of 3 segments.
3 mile river race on class 1 and 2 whitewater of the wild and scenic Wolf River
12 mile mountain bike ride on single and double track course on the Nicolet-Roche trail system and the Bear Paw system with a fun and splashy river crossing
3 mile trail run on the banks of the Wolf.
Join in the post race party at Bear Paw Outdoor Adventure Resort with a pig roast, awards and prizes!
This year they have changed the registration process by moving to an online system.
Registration opens on:
February 1 2012 at 7:00 a.m.
Simply visit our website at Then click on the 2012 Registration link and follow the instructions.
They are really excited about this years race. We hope you will plan to participate in the event this year!