Build Your Adventure
White Lake Water Taste Draws Honor

April 12, 2012

Antigo Daily Journal

Antigo Daily Journal

Take a good drink of water in White Lake, because that is where one of the state’s best-tasting H20 is coming out of the taps.

The Wisconsin Rural Water Association hunted the best-tasting water across the state and after professionals did their tests, it won second place, just falling to the winner, Prairie du Sac.

Scott Popelka, who covers a wide range of things in the eastern Langlade County village including the water, said Tuesday afternoon that the water comes from a well south of the community and is put into the system.

“Nothing is added,” he said, adding that there are no chemicals introduced to the water that comes from the well.

Attempts to order mandatory treatment of water supplies, even when there was no proven need, were rescinded in Wisconsin.

The contest was held at the water association’s annual technical conference in Green Bay, where over 1,200 water and wastewater systems and industry personnel met for four days exchanging ideas.

Water utilities from around the state submitted samples, straight from the tap.

The winner was the Prairie du Sac waterworks, barely beating out the entry from White Lake.

The competition is part of a nationwide "Quality on Tap!" campaign to emphasize the high quality, safety and, consequently, taste of municipal tap water.

Winners will compete in a national contest in Washington, D.C. at the Rural Water Rally, an annual legislative event.

Popelka showing a glass of the crisp, cool and clear White Lake water, was obviously pleased with the healthy and certainly good-tasting drink offered to residents of the village.

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