Here are a few notable changes for the 2016 deer hunting season.
All carcass tags issued through the Go Wild licensing system ( can now be printed on plain paper from home, at a DNR service center or at a license agent (for a $2 processing fee). This will give hunters the flexibility to print copies of carcass tags in case one is damaged or lost, but hunters may only possess one copy of each individual carcass tag while afield.
Farmland Zone DMUs may offer between one and three Farmland (Zone 2) Antlerless Deer Tag(s) which can be selected through Go Wild with the purchase of a license. Hunters have the option of selecting a different land type (public-access or private) for each Farmland (Zone 2) tag offered in the DMU of choice.
Certain DMUs containing a metro sub-unit may offer metro antlerless tag(s) with a license and/or for sale. These may only be used in the metro sub-unit and land type specified on the tag. Metro sub-unit antlerless tags were recommended by County Deer Advisory Councils with an interest in more closely managing urban deer.
Junior Antlerless Deer Tags may be used statewide including in buck-only units (except in Ashland, Forest and Sawyer counties), but must be designated for either public-access or private land. Junior antlerless tags also may not be filled by anyone other than the junior hunter. These policies ensure that only the youth to whom it is issued can fill this tag.
If you leave it, tag it! Hunters must validate carcass tags by writing in the date and time of kill, but no longer need to immediately attach the tag to the deer. This will help prevent tags from being lost or damaged while moving the deer out of the field. However, the hunter must attach and protect the tag (in a zip-top plastic bag is recommended) when leaving the deer carcass.
In 2016, online ( and phone (1-844-426-3734) electronic registration through GameReg will begin with the hunter entering the unique tag number found on the paper carcass tag, rather than using the customer ID number. Hunters can also register electronically at a participating in-person registration station (, search “registration stations”) and have until 5 p.m. the day after harvest to register a deer.
Backtags are no longer issued to hunters. This requirement was repealed by the Legislature.
The antlerless-only Holiday Hunt will be held in certain Farmland Zone DMUs from Dec. 24 – Jan. 1. Only antlerless deer may be harvested in these DMUs during this period. Blaze orange/pink must be worn by all hunters during this hunt.
Blaze/fluorescent pink is allowed as an alternative to blaze orange clothing.
FOR MORE INFORMATION… Learn more about the 2016 deer hunting seasons at, search “deer” and “deer FAQ.” For further details, please reference the 2016 Deer Hunting Regulations, available on the DNR website by searching “hunting regulations.”