Build Your Adventure
Train whistle sparks a historic picnic

July 17, 2015

Antigo Daily Journal

Antigo Daily Journal

A train whistle echoed through Antigo Wednesday, signaling a return to a bygone era on the grounds of the Langlade County Historical Society museum.

The whistle signaled the opening of the Society’s annual railroad picnic, a summertime tradition that drew about 200 diners to the museum for bratwurst, hamburgers, ice cream scooped by members of the Tree Toppers 4-H Club and, most importantly to some, cookies purchased through Antigo Bakery.

Music was provided by the B&C Band, who set up in front of the 440 steam locomotive and clock and played well into the very pleasant evening.

The whistle—the annual opening of the picnic—is located on the museum's restored 440 steam locomotive. Originally powered by steam, its oomph now comes courtesy of two air compressors.

The picnic came amidst a very busy summertime week in Antigo, which opened with Music in the Park on Monday, the Kids from Wisconsin on Tuesday and music on the pavilion green in Elcho on Wednesday.

The schedule continues with Music in the Park tonight, which has been shifted due to weather concerns to the livestock pavilion at the Langlade County Fairgrounds.

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