NEWS RELEASE For More Information Contact:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Christine Berry, Executive Director
August 7, 2012 Langlade County Economic Development Corp.
Have you ever really thought about what goes into an ATV, snowmobile, hiking, biking, ski, snowshoe or horse trail? Well, Mike Riter, owner of Trail Design Specialists’ and trail educator certainly has and spends his time educating folks on Trail sustainability. Recently, Mr. Riter lead a Trail Master Certification Class which covered the latest advances in trail design, construction and maintenance with a focus on long term sustainability and ease of trial maintenance.
Protecting the environment was the main theme throughout the four-day workshop. Since the dawn of time, “rogue” trail-building has been a problem, but things are rapidly changing. According to Riter, trail builders of the past often showed little regard for the environmental effects; however current builders are taking a more calculated approach.
As erosion is the biggest concern when building new trails, Riter uses a pro-active approach giving thoughtful consideration to trail design and placement, natural forces, and user impact when constructing sustainable trails. This is done by designing it in a way that allows water to flow across the trail at the right angles instead of along it.
Both local and non-residents participated in the course, building a section of trail that is sure to be there for many years to come and being that we are branded the County of Trails, having our local residents take an interest just strengthens our Brand to showcase our County to all user groups. Chris Fredrick, of White Lake took the class, “I learned a lot in the classes and the majority of what I thought I knew about trail building was incorrect….I am very excited about applying this knowledge”
Trail Master Certification Class Sponsored by WI DNR and the Langlade Area Mountain Bike Association (LAMBA) took place in the Langlade/White Lake area. This class is held twice a year in various areas around the State.
The course held in Langlade County focused more on non-mechanized trail building, but participants ranged from both the mechanized and non-mechanized trail enthusiasts. Mr. Riter has also worked with the Wisconsin ATV Association (WATVA) as well as various equestrian clubs throughout the State.
On August 17 and 18 at the Langlade County Fairgrounds, Neva Road, Antigo WI, WATVA along with the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC) and the Wisconsin Horse Council are teaming up for the first annual TrailCon. TrailCon is Wisconsin’s only joint Dirt and Snow Technology and Trail Development Show dedicated to providing resource material to our State’s vast outdoor recreation trail systems.
This free event will not only offer great opportunities to learn what contributes to the success and improvements to the trails of these sports, but will also offer up opportunities to network with various clubs, encompass innovative products and tools from a wide array of Vendors, as well as a Swap Meet for various snowmobile and ATV parts and accessories. The Wisconsin DNR will also be on-hand to discuss concerns and answer questions. Another highlight of the conference is the Keynote Speaker, Greg Mumm. Mr. Mumm is the National Director for Blue Ribbon Coalition. His stop at TrailCon is one of many that he is doing across the Country. He will be holding a “Town Hall” type of meeting, to hear assessments on our recreation programs in the area. His mission is to gather information to take to Washington D.C. to deliver to key legislators and departments that have an impact on trail riding.
For more information on this event or to learn more about trail building opportunities please contact the Economic Development Corporation at or at 715-623-5123.