Build Your Adventure
The Antigo Flats Agriculture Enterprise Area Closer to Expanding

March 30, 2012

Rusty Mehlberg

WACD 106.1 FM

The Antigo Flats Agriculture Enterprise Area is one step closer to expanding. The Marathon County Board of Supervisors approved earlier this week to expand the AEA into their county in the Town of Harrison.

Agriculture Enterprise Areas are part of the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection's efforts to keep prime farmland as is. One way they are encouraging this is by designating certain areas of the state as AEAs. This allows farmers in these areas to earn income tax credits of $10 an acre if they earn at least $6,000 in gross farm receipts in the past year or at least $18,000 in the past three years.

The state started taking applications for the program back in 2010 after a major overhaul of farm preservation programs occurred. So far the state has 12 AEAs they established last year, with five more being proposed this year.

The Antigo Flats, which encompasses parts of seven townships in Langlade County, is the largest in the state at over 62,000 acres of possible land that could receive credits.

The state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection still needs to approve the expansion before it takes effect and there is no word currently when they may do this.

by Rusty Mehlberg

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