Build Your Adventure
State Hiking Season Arrives As Regional Ice Age Trail Honors Offered

May 19, 2015

Antigo Daily Journal

Antigo Daily Journal

Decades ago, Langlade County was at the forefront of the creation of the Ice Age Trail that today winds its way across much of Wisconsin.

Today, members continue to be recognized for their efforts.

At the spring meeting of the state’s Ice Age Trail Alliance, four county chapter members were honored for their work in preserving, expanding and promoting usage of the trail.

John Barker was recognized for 10 years of service. He was also cited by the National Park Service for 1,000 volunteer-in-park hours. Other local chapter members were also honored for their years of dedication. They included Don Belanger, 10 years, Lloyd Godell, 100 volunteer-in-park hours, and Peg Jopek, 250 volunteer-in-park hours.

Chapter Chairman Letita Koppa, joined by Joe Jopek, the local Ice Age Trail coordinator, took part in a summit meeting of chapter leaders.

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