Build Your Adventure
Ski Breakfast Scheduled at Gartzke Facility Saturday, Public Is Invited

December 28, 2012

Antigo Daily Journal

Antigo Daily Journal

The recent major snowfall came just in time for the third annual Breakfast at Gartzke sponsored by the Antigo Bike and Ski Club.

The club will host the breakfast Saturday from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Gartzke Flowage Trails, which, due to the recent dumping, are packed and tracked for the outing.

The club will provide waffles, prepared by Nick Salm, as well as coffee, hot chocolate, some sausages and toppings for waffles. There is no charge but a free will offering for trail maintenance would be appreciated. Special waffle toppings are welcome but not required.

Serving will be at the shelter on the south trail system. The structure’s fireplace will certainly be operating, providing a cozy pace to warm skiers and snowshoers when they come inside to eat and socialize.

Gartzke Flowage is located at W6379 Fifth Avenue Road, about 10 miles east of downtown Antigo off Highway F. The area has a network of about six miles of groomed ski trails and a separate network of snowshoe trails. Trails are well marked and maps are available at the trailhead parking lot.

The flowage has a diverse topography, some high ridges and plateaus that drop into the flowage basin. The system traverses a Norway Pine plantation, upland hardwoods, and cedar swamps.

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