Build Your Adventure
Siebers Entertainment Starts Wednesday with Tribute Band, Fireworks at Pickerel

July 2, 2019

The Siebers family is getting the summer entertainment season underway in a big way on Wednesday with the Celebrate America 2019 festivities in Pickerel, this year featuring, the Gimme Skynyrd, a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band.

“It is going to be a great party,” Perry Siebers explained this week as he and his family were working on the grounds and the new stage for the show just north of their Northwoods Inn family dining restaurant at Highways 55 and A.

The Siebers family in their entertainment park at Pickerel earlier this week.

Perry explained that the addition of the stage this year will enhance all of the summer shows starting with Gimme Skynard.

“We will be opening the show with Aaron Jay, move to the tribute band and then celebrate the Fourth with a great fireworks show,” Perry explained.

“Be sure to stay after the fireworks,” he added, because the band is coming back for another rockin’ set.

The gate opens at about 4 p.m. and the fireworks will get started at about 10 p.m.

“We like it dark,” Siebers said.

The family said it will be a “family friendly” party and asked that those attending bring lawn chairs.

Food and refreshments will be served at an 80-foot bar, they added. Parking will be available in the area.

Click here for more information on Celebrate America event at Northwoods Inn in Pickerel.