Build Your Adventure
Rec Survey will Chart Future Projects

April 26, 2016

Antigo Daily Journal

Antigo Daily Journal

Langlade County is seeking public input on how to enhance and improve the state's "County of Trails."

As part of the update to the county's five-year recreation plan, the public is invited to take a survey gauging current recreational offerings and suggesting improvements.

The survey is being administered by North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. It is a key component to the overall plan, which enable the county, along with the towns, village of White Lake and city of Antigo, to be eligible for competitive and lucrative federal and state outdoor recreation grant money.

"Public input is important during the planning process in order to identify needs and standards of the recreational program in Langlade County," County Forest Administrator Erik Rantala explained. "This helps us assess our existing recreational system as well as assist in determining our goals and objectives for future development during the next five years."

In other words, anyone with a project to promote should be sure to get it included in the survey.

The survey takes only a few minutes to complete. It asked the type of recreational activities enjoyed, potential outdoor recreational opportunities, the park and recreational areas frequented. It also asks if there are adequate trails and facilities for everything from camping, snowmobiling and ATVing to cross-country skiing and biking along with suggested improvements.

The survey will be available through April 30. It can be reached by clicking here.

Click here for more information. »