The Boys & Girls Club of Langlade County will host Trivia Night, with plenty of swag for participants and a great lineup of prizes, on Friday at North Star Lanes.
Boys & Girls Club Office Manager Hilary Messer-Franz
works on questions for Trivia Night on Friday.
It’s time to test how much you know without using Google, Angel Zimmerman, executive director of the club, said. The winning team gets $250 and there are also prizes for best team costume and best table decorations.
All participants will receive free beer and popcorn. There will be also a dinner and a movie raffle basket, along with a 50/50.
The trivia contest will include four rounds of trivia plus and other games. Each round has a variety of topics such as sports, history, music, famous people and even Antigo Pride.
Zimmerman said 16 teams are registered with room for eight more.
Registration is $50 per team of four to six people. Not on a team? Come in, pay $15 and organizers will get you set up. Click here to go to the event listing for more information on how to register.