Meetings Set For Changes To Shoreland Zoning In Langlade County
June 30, 2011
Rusty Mehlberg
County 106.1 FM
Residents and land owners who live or own property next to any body of water in Langlade County are asked to attend one of two meetings next week that will inform them on changes to shoreland zoning.
The Langlade County Land Records and Regulations Department and the Water and Land Use Planning Committee are co-running the open house meetings July 8 and 9. The one on July 8 will be at the Town of Wolf River Town Hall from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for eastern Langlade County residence. The one on July 9 will be at the Elcho School Gymnasium from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. for northern Langlade County residence.
The state made changes to the minimum shoreland zoning rules and has asked all counties to make updates to their respected plan by February, 2012. Langlade County officials have been doing their updating for months, and have now prepared their plan for public viewing.
Residents with property along rivers and lakes are advised to come, especially if you live or use land within 300 feet of water. The same information will be provided at each meeting and public comments and questions will be welcomed.
A similar meeting will be set up for Antigo-area residents sometime in August.