Local grillmasters (Nate Walrath, Mick Kolpack, Jake Leiterman and Jamie Parckard) won People's Choice honors - and more importantly bragging rights - at an inaugural barbecue cookoff Saturday as part of the Northwoods Triple Crown.
"Rackstreet Boys and the Chicklets" took top honors, including trophies and a snazzy Yeti cooler as the audience favorite in the event, part of the Northwoods Grill Masters barbecue competition.
Audience members purchased tasting packets of 12 ribs for $15, with the net proceeds going to the Antigo Gridiron Club.
Triple Crown organizer Shaughn Novy said the Rackestreet Boys, made up of a crew from Antigo and Bryant areas, were the easy fan favorites.
"They were all camping there and having a great time," she said.
In addition, to the Peoples Choice, a chicken and ribs competition sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbeque Society was also part of the fun.
Eight teams competed for cash and prizes.
Ribs were provided for the People's Choice award. Competitors had to supply their own meat for the serious judging, with trophies and cash prizes.
Competitors had to provide all their own equipment, cooking over charcoal or wood heat only.