Build Your Adventure
Kettlebowl Volunteers Celebrate Six Decades of Skiing at Saturday Fun Day

February 28, 2017

Antigo Daily Journal

Antigo Daily Journal

Volunteers at Kettlebowl ski hill celebrated six decades of family wintertime fun on Saturday.

With the hill revitalized by a Friday snowstorm, Kettlebowl’s annual Fun Day drew 201 participants—and scores of parents, friends and volunteers—to its gentle slopes for a day of games, food and activities.

We had people who had learned to ski at Kettlebowl when they were little and now they were bringing their children and grandchildren out, Judy Peterson of the Langlade County Ski Club said.

The day also included a celebration of Kettlebowl’s 60th anniversary and there was plenty of free cake to enjoy. Those attending including some of the hill’s stalwarts, including Gordie and Gloria Schofield and Dale and Pat Peterson, who were there at Kettlebowl’s inception back in the winter if 1956-57.

Youngsters ran up the slopes and collected eggs filled with prizes, played relay races and tennis ball tosses and even tried their hands at limbo, minus the skis, for prizes and gift certificates.

There was also a costume contest, with Anna Shinners earning first place for her leprechaun, followed by Nathan and Rachel Visser, Hannah Grab and Ava Kakes.

The 201 skiers and snowboarders represented Kettlebowl’s second-highest attendance of the years. The hill was also open on Sunday, with about 77 skiers.

The weather forecast suggests that there may be another weekend, or maybe two, of skiing before the season ends. Peterson said a decision will be made later this week on whether to open the doors next Saturday.

Some of Kettlebowl’s most stalwart volunteers gathered around the 60th anniversary cake at Saturday’s Fun Day.
From left are (front row) Bruce Thomae, Lee Auner, Judy Peterson, Dave Peterson, Barb Eder, Pat Peterson,
Dale Peterson, (back row) Dan Auner, George Bornemann, John Schimmels and Scot Peterson.

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