Build Your Adventure
Ice Age Trail Hike Will Showcase Features In The Kettlebowl Segment

September 11, 2015

Antigo Daily Journal

Antigo Daily Journal

A late summer hike along the Kettlebowl segment of the on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, including a chance to journey into Big Stone Hole, will be held on Saturday.

The hike organized by the Langlade County Ice Age Trail Chapter is open to the public. Interested persons should meet 9 a.m. in front of the Langlade County forestry office at the fairgrounds.

Participants are encouraged to wear suitable clothing and bring a lunch. Transportation to the trail head northeast of Antigo at Kettlebowl Ski Area will be provided from the fairgrounds.

The hike will be a five mile trek from the ski area to Big Stone Hole and back. Big Stone Hole is a unique feature with huge boulders strewn in a steep sided depression by the Wisconsin glacier over 10,000 years ago.

The hike will also include some brush cutting and clearing of the short side trail down to Big Stone Hole. Although the chapter has some tools, participants are encouraged to help by bringing hand clippers, pruning shears, saws and work gloves.

An added feature for outing participants will be earning a 40th anniversary hiker patch. In observance of the local chapter’s four decades of trail activity in Langlade County, persons making two of the three hikes this year will be awarded the special patch. The final hike of the year will be Oct. 3.

Langlade County is one of 22 counties involved with the Ice Age Trail National Scenic Trail, a statewide effort established 55 years ago to create a greater awareness and appreciation of Wisconsin’s glacial heritage. The Langlade County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance is one of the few local groups involved with the trail for over 40 years.

Additional information on the Saturday hike, the Ice Age National Scenic Trail or the local chapter can be obtained by calling 715-623-2645 or email Maps and other trail information are available at the Langlade County University of Wisconsin-Extension Office, 837 Clermont St. Other trail information is available on the Ice Age Trail Alliance Website at

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