Final 2012 Ice Age Trail Hike Set for Saturday Here, Public Welcome To Join
October 3, 2012
Antigo Daily Journal
Antigo Daily Journal
The final 2012 hike on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail in Langlade County will take place Saturday over the Old Railroad segment.
The event will serve as a local annual observance of National Trails Day held earlier this summer in other parts of the country. The special day is organized each year by trail groups to observe the signing on Oct. 2, 1968 of the National Trails Act by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
The special hike organized by the Langlade County Ice Age Trail Chapter is open to the public. Interested persons should meet at 9 a.m. in front of the Langlade County forestry office on the fairgrounds.
Participants are encouraged to wear suitable clothing and bring a lunch. Transportation to the trailhead northeast of Antigo will be provided from the fairgrounds.
The fall color hike will be five miles in length over the Old Railroad segment which winds through a scenic portion of Veterans Memorial Park. The segment includes views of a large glacial lake filled in with sediment since the massive ice sheet which covered 2/3 of the state melted away over 10,000 years ago.
The Old Railroad segment is one of Langlade County’s four Ice Age Trail stretches recognized over 30 years ago by the U.S. Department of the Interior for inclusion in the National Trails System. A representative from the federal agency presented certificates recognizing the trail stretches in Langlade County as part of the National Trails System to former county board chairman Walter Klimoski on May 26, 1977.
Three years later on May 3, 1980 the Ice Age Trail was established as a National Scenic Trail with an amendment to the National Trails Act sponsored by Congressman Henry Reuss of Milwaukee. The Ice Age Trail is now one of 11 units in the national trails system created by federal law as a scenic trail.
Additional information on the hike, the Ice Age National Scenic Trail or the local chapter can be obtained by mail inquiry to 622 First Ave., Antigo or by calling 715-623-2645. Maps and other trail information are also available from the Langlade County University of Wisconsin-Extension office, 837 Clermont St.