Build Your Adventure
Festival Set Saturday at Polar

August 19, 2016

Antigo Daily Journal

Antigo Daily Journal

There’s been plenty of parties in Polar over the decades, but an event coming up on Saturday may be among the largest.

Timber Haven, in cooperation with the community, fire department and other local businesses, will host what is billed as the First Ever Polar Fest Saturday afternoon and evening.

There will be games, activities, food, music and refreshments throughout the day and stretching well into the evening hours.

We want to support the community, Lori Hughes, co-owner of Timber Haven said, and this is a great way to do it.

There will be a lot going on.

At Timber Haven, music opens at noon with Whiskey Nights until 4 p.m. and Darmata from 5 to 8 p.m. Black Knight concludes from 9 p.m. to midnight.

The town of Antigo Fire Department plans a corn roast and 50/50 raffle and Mid-Wisconsin Beverage Inc. will have beverage tent on sight. Central Beer Distributors plans a beer tasting tent as well.

There will be multiple local crafts and business vendors and Antigo pride will sponsor a sand volleyball tournament with registration from 10 to 11 a.m. Every participant will receive a free Antigo Pride T-shirt.

Baginski Farms is providing loaded baked potatoes and there will be burgers and brats as well.

At 4 p.m. The Central Wisconsin Water Ski Team, also known as the Water Walkers, plans a Mueller’s Lake performance sponsored by Brettingen, Smits, Novak and Bastle and Southside Tire of Antigo. Transportation will be provided from Timber Haven.

This family-friendly show is free, donations are appreciated and raffles will be held. Spectators are advised to bring lawn chairs.

A human pyramid is one of about 15 acts the
Central Wisconsin Water Ski Team, also known as the
Water Walkers, will perform 4 p.m. Saturday, on
Mueller's Lake as part of the first-ever Polar Fest celebration.

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