"Connect Communities" Presentation At Antigo Public Library
November 26, 2012
Christine Berry
Christine Berry
Downtowns and central commercial districts play a huge integral role on our community. They are the backbone of the entrepreneurial spirit and don’t just happen, they need to continually be planned and nurtured. So, where do we start?
You’ll get that answer by attending an informative presentation, called “Connect Communities” on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at the Antigo Public Library, downtown Antigo. Join Economic Development (LCEDC) Executive Director Christine Berry and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s (WEDC) Community Account Manager, Naletta Burr, as they showcase how our area businesses can be a part of this new progressive program. All downtown and surrounding area businesses, public officials or anyone interested in Antigo’s downtown area are highly encouraged to attend.
The premise behind “Connect Communities” is to help local stakeholders leverage the unique assets of their business districts. This is done through the many services that are available. Some of those being: An onsite visit from WEDC staff to assist in identifying needs and offering assistance; possible opportunities to link college/university student projects to the district’s needs; access to WEDC’s downtown development library; plus many more that will be identified at the November 28th event.
“Connect Communities”, which is designed for smaller communities, is similar to the WEDC’s very successful Main Street Program in that it offers technical assistance and networking opportunities; where it significantly differs from the Main Street program is in the time and expense that is sometimes difficult for smaller communities like ours to afford.
For any questions regarding this event, please contact the LCEDC at 715-623-5123 or cberry@co.langlade.wi.us.