'Cabin Fever' Fund-raiser for Boys & Girls Club is Saturday
March 6, 2019
Antigo Daily Journal
Antigo Daily Journal
Even the most ardent lover of all-things winter is likely suffering from a bad case of cabin fever, and this weekend that will be a good thing.
The Boys & Girls Club of Langlade County will host its first annual “Cabin Fever” fund-raiser Saturday, featuring live music along with great food and drinks at “The Block,” the headquarters of North Central Sales Auctions LLC, located at Highway 45 and 52, Aniwa. It will run from 6 to 11 p.m.
Presented by NRG Media, Antigo Daily Journal and WJFW TV12, the event will include food, wine, microbrews and spirits tasting along with live music by Brad Emmanuel.
“Raffles, as well as silent and live auction items will be a part of the fun,” Angel Zimmerman, executive director of the club, said. “The evening is set to be a log splitting good time.”
From left, Angel Zimmerman, Emma Nicholson,
Corie Zelazoski and Dave Corcoran of the Boys & Girls Club of Langlade County.
Tickets are $25 in advance or $35 at the door and are available for purchase at the Boys & Girls Club, Sweet Thyme and online at www.bgclang.org
Some of the live and silent auctions items include:
a decorative mirror restored by Virginia's Vintage.
a one-night stay at the American Club at Kohler Destinations with a $500 gift card for golf and an autographed hat with LPGA Hall of Famers.
a one-week stay at a cottage on Kettle Lake.
electric fireplace
four tickets, located right behind the Brewer dugout, to the Milwaukee Brewers versus St. Louis game on March 29.
and more.
There will also be awards for “best dressed in plaid” along with a best beard contest.
The Boys & Girls Club of Langlade County is committed to serving as the lead voice, advocate and resource for Langlade County's youth. It seeks to ensure that all children and teens especially those who need it most, have a positive and enriching experience when the school bell rings.
“Our goal is for kids to have a safe and guided environment that will put them on the path to success,” Zimmerman said.
In 2018, over 98 youth participate in after-school programs each day. In addition, an average of 132 youngsters participated in programs daily during the 2018 summer months.
All of the programs are offered for nominal fees, with financial assistance available to those who cannot afford to pay. Nutritious snacks and meals are served to every member every day after school and during our summer session.
“In many cases, these are their only hot meals of the day,” Zimmerman said.
An annual membership fee for a child is $25. The actual cost for the Boys & Girls Club to serve a child 2018 is approximately $800 per youth, making it necessary to raise funds in order to continue serving youth at a fee affordable to every family in the community.