Boys & Girls Club of Langlade County Gets Technical Boost
February 13, 2012
Antigo Daily Journal
Antigo Daily Journal
The Boys & Girls Club of Langlade County has received a technological boost, courtesy of a long-standing local foundation.
Jean Lucht of the Remington Foundation was on hand for the unveiling of “The Remington Foundation Computer Center” carved out of a classroom in the club, which is located in what was once the Langlade County Normal School.
“We would like to thank the Remington Foundation board for helping our Boys & Girls Club improve the daily education programs we offer our club members,” Nick Sanchez, the club’s executive director, said. “Their generous donation will help over 600 club members a year and more importantly has brought our youth development organization to the forefront of technology in our county.”
The club purchased the latest in computer equipment—a must in an ever-expanding technological world—with assistance for a $5,000 grant from the foundation, which was established by the late E.L. Remington, a longtime advocate for local organizations and especially youth.
“The goal is to integrate today's technology with children from the great northwoods,” Sanchez explained. “Our belief is if we can make reading and writing more enjoyable our club members would participate in more practice time with our skilled program staff.”
Ten HP laptops were purchased to upgrade the computers where club members complete their homework on a daily basis.
“In addition to homework being completed, the computers are a great tool to have when reaching out to teens and their needs,” Sanchez said.
The club also purchased eight colored Nooks, seven-inch tablets with full-color multi-touch touch screen input. The devices are designed for full-color viewing of books, newspapers, magazines, and children's picture books. The Nook Color also includes interactive animation and the option to have a professional voice actor read aloud to the club members.
“Education and career development is one of the five core areas of the Boys & Girls Club,” Sanchez said. “The Remington Foundation with its gracious award has helped our professional staff be prepared to handle any homework assignment, class project or research work students may bring.”
Scott Lutz from The Northwoods Computer Guy assisted in locating the hardware and new computer equipment at a reasonable price as well as networking the entire tech lab and getting it up and running.