Build Your Adventure

October 13, 2015

Antigo Times

Antigo Times

The Antigo Junior Woman’s Club is presenting our 40th Annual Craft and Trade Show on October 17th at the Langlade County Fairgrounds in the Multi-Purpose Building. The popular fall event will run from 9 am to 3:30 pm.

Admissions are $2.00 at the door or $1.00 with donation of a non-perishable food item. Children under 10 are free with an adult. We have about 100 crafters and vendors, a bake sale, food and refreshments and a raffle. Raffle prizes include a quilt and various gift baskets and certificates. Tickets are available at CoVantage Credit Union, Peroutka’s and from club members. We donate the proceeds back to the different organizations in our community and the Langlade County area.

Our organization’s objective is to better our local community through charity and cultural opportunities. We have donated funds in the past for scholarships at Antigo, Elcho & White Lake high schools, food pantries, 4-H, AVAIL, Salvation Army, Humane Society, Boys & Girls Club, Community Health Foundation, REGI Raptor Center, Habitat for Humanity, Langlade Hospital Auxiliary (Parade of Homes), Antigo High School Lock In, Antigo Gridiron Club, Langlade County Crime Stoppers, Community Bible School, Honor Flight, the Giving Tree, City of Antigo K9, and many other organizations and requests too numerous to mention them all. The Antigo Junior Woman’s Club is a club working to help our community.

Members of the Antigo Junior Woman’s Club with raffle prizes for their annual Craft and Trade Show. Pictured left to right: Betty Cross, Kathy Boksa, Melody Koles, Bobbi Susalla, Therese Fermanich, Peg Andres, Janice Jorgensen.
Members of the Antigo Junior Woman’s Club with raffle prizes for their annual Craft and Trade Show. Pictured left to right: Betty Cross, Kathy Boksa, Melody Koles, Bobbi Susalla, Therese Fermanich, Peg Andres, Janice Jorgensen.

Members of the club presented a check to Don Pawlek of Langlade County Crime Stoppers

Members of the club presented a check to Officer Bruce Brown of the Antigo Police Department. The funds will be used for the K-9 unit.

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