Build Your Adventure
Antigo Downtown Facade Grants Ready For Distribution

May 24, 2011

Rusty Mehlberg

WACD 106.1 FM Radio

Earlier this month the City of Antigo Common Council approved the creation of a downtown faade grant program. The program is a joint effort between the city and the Langlade County Community Development Corporation.

Corporation Director Chris Berry provided more details on the program during Tuesday's WATK-AM 900 Arby's Breakfast Club. Berry said it is all about improving the look of the downtown area as changes to Fifth Avenue are made in the near future. "It's mainly an incentive for business owners and tenants to fix up their front or rear entrances of their building...awnings, signage, painting, basically any kind of improvements. And I have a whole set of guidelines that you can download at along with an application."

The program will provide reimbursement to building owners up to $3,000 to reduce the costs regarding renovations. It is a matching grant, which means for every $3 spent by the building owner they can get $1 in grant money.

Berry said the money is being provided by the city. "It's funded through the city's TIF district, TIF number 4, which encompasses the downtown area. So that is where the $20,000 grant fund has come from so it's not state level. It's nice when it is local. It's a little more flexible."

In a press release regarding the program, Berry mentions that the changes to how the downtown looks will be a boost to businesses, property owners and the community in general.

Those interested in applying will have to have cost estimates, contracts and design drawings, a copy of the lease or deed, and written authorization from landowner is necessary. All decisions for grant money will be made by the City of Antigo Economic Development Committee, which meets on the first Monday of each month.

by Rusty Mehlberg

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