The Pickerel-Pearson Lions Club had a colorful float in Saturday's parade.
Temperatures were well into the 60s Saturday and the sun was bright and warm as summer for the annual Pickerel St. Patrick’s Day parade.
Colorful floats, candy and gifts sizzling through the air and the sense of summer helped make it a great March celebration.
The judges, Antigo Mayor Bill Brandt, Crandon attorney Bob Kennedy and Langlade County Circuit Court Judge John Rhode selected the winners among the parade entries, and said Anderson’s Irish Jig was first, St. John Church exercise float was second and one of the regulars, the Pickerel-Pearson Lions Club was third.
With weather conditions as they were, it was one of the largest crowds who turned out for the festivities in years.
The parade has experienced rain, snow, a blizzard or two and nice conditions, but nothing quite as great as Saturday.
There are more photographs of the parade printed on page two, section one today.